Saturday, November 8, 2014

Maharakshak Aryan - Episode 3 - November 8, 2014

Aryan is yet to recover from the death of his uncle, Arjun and he seems to have gone into depression. Niyaki sees this and is worried that the saviour of the precious stone and the earth might not be able to do his job well if he does not recover from the loss. She takes him to the god of five elements who explain to him the effects that the earth will have to face if Aryan does not protect the stone. Aryan is taken aback learning that the safety of the entire earth lies in his hands and he agrees to protect the stone. The gods give him a catapult and fill it with each of their powers. Meanwhile on earth, the Vishkanya arrives along with two more of her partners. Her aim is to destroy Aryan and get hold of the stone. Will Aryan be able to fight the Vishkanya and protect the stone and the earth? Find out here.

There's no cape. No special costume. No super-sized biceps. Television's latest superhero is a sweet, unassuming college boy-next-door. He's interning to be a radio jockey and has no clue about his supernatural powers until it all hits him one day... like a bolt out of the blue! All of 18 years, Zee TV's Aryan is India's youngest superhero. He's a cute, endearing teenager who finds it hard to come to terms with the larger-than-life plans destiny has in store for him! After all, it isn't easy for an aspiring RJ to wake up one day and be suddenly entrusted with the responsibility of single-handedly saving the world! Capturing the boy's journey from an average Joe to discovering a hero within, Zee TV's latest offering Maharakshak Aryan is a two-fold narrative of coming-of-age and a walk into the darker realms of fantasy where a hero will face his worst fears, rewrite destiny and emerge a winner. Aryan is the first amongst Zee TV's superhero trilogy 'Maharakshak' that will showcase the triumph of good over evil.

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